Wednesday, April 24, 2019

These pictures are from when we went inside the Basilica on campus during class and we took photos trying to capture dramatic lighting that would look good in black and white. I took a bunch of photos but these two were my favorite and even though they were supposed to be in black and white I had a hard time deciding if I like them better that way or in color.

These pictures represent the 10 Rules of Composition that we learned about, I had never learned about these before so it was very helpful to me in learning how to take better photos. The only challenge is trying to keep them all in mind while you're taking pictures, so we tried to just focus on one specific rule for each picture. My favorite of all the pictures is probably the one I took for Biggest, Boldest, Brightest:

 (Rule of Thirds)
 Merger (after)
 Merger (before)
 (Room for Logical Movement)
 (Leading Lines)
 (Keep It Simple or K.I.S.S.)
 Cropping (after)
 Cropping (before)
 (Biggest, Boldest, Brightest)